Bill Whittle has again surfaced to let us know he's OK and to call off the search party. Stop teasing us, dammit.....
Frank J. of IMAO fame has a really funny "fisking"(?) of The Eagles' "Desparado" / Linda Ronstadt / michael moore that you should read. I somewhat agree with Rachel Lucas, "Desparado" is not all that great on it's own merits:
First of all, not every American loves that song. In fact, I myself am one American who completely freaking hates that song and always has. I think it's stultifyingly boring, and frankly, silly.
But, taken in context of the entire LP, the song kicks ass. Problem is, most people have never heard the "Doolin-Dalton Reprise" or "Out of Control" or "Twenty One". They just sit there listening to their "Eagles Greatest Hits" LP thinking they know all about The Eagles. But I digress......
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