Conspiracy Theory
Anyway, I got to thinking earlier today about a conspiracy theory that us card-carrying members of the VRWC can call our own. I mean, the other side has such a wealth of Art Bell calibre theories to toss about and, well, theorize on; why shouldn't we have a few theories to prove that we are not being fooled by (insert your own organization here)? Here's one for you:
Have you noticed that some of the prolific VRWC blogging voices have been silenced lately? Think about it, think about the conservative bloggers who have either gone missing or are "mailing it in" from points unknown.
Hmmmm. Curious, no?
It's the Democratic Underground, that's who. That's right, the DU is behind all this. Don't you see? They can't let the conservative point of view get out there with it's laser-like, precision guided, truth-seeking-missle (thank you for the phrase Mr.Whittle, where ever you are) ability to skewer the liberal memes and they must be silenced. It's all so easily clear why and how this all happened. The strident voices of conservatism had to be stopped.
Bill Whittle and Frank J. both have new "friends" in their life and neither has had much to say lately. Sure, Whittle has always had a habit of going weeks and weeks without posting, but there's always been a pay off after the wait. Curious, Bill was close to releasing the "Tribes" essay, but now is re-examining his world-view. Frank has taken up hiking the Grand Canyon and installing / removing hurricane shutters (like that's a plausible excuse) instead of blogging. You see, the DU has placed female operatives into the mix to disrupt their blogging.
The DU (with help from is behind all these hurricanes, BTW. With so many conservative bloggers in Florida and Texas, and both Texas and Florida conveniently near water, the DU spewed forth extra quantities of hot air to affect the climate and cause all these hurricanes to interfere with VRWC bloggers. And Jim at Smoke on the Water lives on a boat in the Gulf of Mexico, aka The Hurricane Mosh Pit. You do the math.
Rachel Lucas and Steven den Beste both claim to suffer from "blogging burn out", you know like the kind of burn out you get when you wake up with the severed head of a horse in the bed next to you and a note that says "Stop your right wing blogging or else"
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