26 days to go..... so anyway, due to work and household duties, I missed most of the debate last night. I caught the last fifteen or twenty minutes and I was thoroughly underwhelmed. The debate reacts I've seen so far have been predictable: each side says their man won. I think McCain missed a golden opportunity right at the end on quite possibly the stupidest question of the night: He should have used Fred! Thompson's line from the convention: "Just exactly who is Barack Obama and can he be trusted with the Presidency?" The link tracks back to Gabriel Malor's excellent debate summary over at Ace of Spades HQ. Elsewhere, the gloom continues: In today's Sarah Palin news: The e-mail hacker has been indicted: I had to add the party affiliation, ABC news forgot to include it. Camile Paglia slaps the "Palin-bashers" around: In movie news: it looks like there is an effort afoot to tank the box office numbers for "An American Carol". Theaters are omitting the title from their marquees, listing it as "Rated R" (it's PG-13), or selling you a ticket to another movie to suppress "An American Carol's" box office take. Unrelated, but just too good of a line to leave on the cutting room floor: more soon |
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