18 January 2013

A Semi-Productive Day

I blame bureaucrats for the day not being completely productive...

so anyway, the best laid plans often are laid to waste.  My trip into The Peoples' Republik of AnnArbor was less than successful, as in "FAIL".  I arrived at the County Clerk's office to find them closed; "furloughed" on Friday 18JAN13.  Which really pissed me off, because I had called the Clerk's office at 4:30 on Thursday afternoon and announced my intention of visiting them and what I needed to accomplish ON FRIDAY!!  "See you on tomorrow" the clerkette said on the phone.  Wankers.  Like she didn't know she was thirty minutes away from the start of a four day weekend....

So now I have to weasel more time off work to take care of my business with the County.  So that I can "legally" exercise my Constitutional Right, a Right that I shouldn't need anyone's permission to exercise in the first place.  Don't get me started...

The time spent at the range was most excellent.  I'm not posting any targets or anything, but I shot better than the last time.  I kinda "mis-timed" my meals for the day; I got to the range all amped up on coffee and I was a little shaky, not quite to the "spastic retard on meth" level, but close.  Still, I kept it mostly in the 8-ring.  Mostly...

The good news is that my homemade ramp job on my 9mm was successful and it will now feed JHPs.  Still had a couple of instances of "apply booger-hook to the bang-switch / click no bang" problem, so I'll be disassembling the hammer assembly soon.  I also pushed a bunch of .38+P through my .357.  Good Times.

Then it was off to Cabela's to acquire the aforementioned fleece vest for the office.  I also picked up a Houge HandAll grip for the M213.  Installing the Houge grip this evening has been problematic....just look at the exploded view...

All in all, it was a Good Day.

more soon


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