01 February 2008

Friday Night

a veritable cornicopia of stuff

so anyway, another week in the Stoopid Business™ draws to an end. Next week's opening bell rings in fifty-three hours. Whatever the lottery is up to, it'd be enough.

My brother Thayrone e-mailed this afternoon with the link to this:

Yes, I know: it's almost ten minutes long. Watch it anyway. Don't make me stop this car.....

Being intellectually curious (as so it says on my Stoopid Business™ Performance Review, which is probably "corporate-speak" for "frequently surfs the interweb net tube thingies"), I scrubbed the speaker (Roy Beck) through AltaVista and found his Wiki entry. I see nothing amiss here, any of you heard of him before? Please advise. THX.

Elsewhere, Steve H. Graham links to Kim duToit for the (almost) 'feel-good' story of the day. Just to be 'proactive' (another gem from my Stoopid Business™ Performance Review) I'll answer before you axe: "PSH" is my brother Kim's shorthand for Pants Sihting Hysteria.

There's lots of other good stuff out there (See Also: Blogroll), Ragin' Dave and the crew over at Four Right Wing Wackos are not to be missed (click and scroll, it's all good). Ace and the gang have it going on, as well.

I'd like to be the eleventy-seventh blogger to wish Jeff Goldstein of Protein Wisdom fame a sincere and heartfelt "Happy Birthday".

It got late early again, so I must go. We'll have words again soon.


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