12 April 2008

Dextrosphere Round-up, Minimalist-style

a few post to print out and leave on the water-cooler

so anyway, it looks like Sen. Obama developed a case of foot-in-mouth disease recently. The MSM swallowed his explanation, but those pesky vast right wing conspiracy bloggers just won't let it go.

Let the snark begin. Ace is all over this, going Full Circle and then some. Click-n-scroll, people.

McQ of Q and O fame analyzes the hyperbole, and comes up with some not-so-obvious (to the average MSM consumer) angles:

Obama's definitely right that the voters of PA are frustrated, but not at all for the reasons he thinks. They're as frustrated with government being involved in things it shouldn't be. And they're equally frustrated with the constant failure of government to do what they consider to be its legitimate job, such as controlling immigration. They're tired of bureaucrats and politicians running every aspect of their lives. They're tired of the constant erosion of their rights and freedoms. If you want to know why guns are important to these people consider the size of government and its intrusiveness and the answer becomes plain to see. And what does a politician like Obama promise? Even more intrusion.

Mike, the host over at Cold Fury, does it up right. This is how a proper blog post is done. Outstanding. Steyn, McQ, Ace, Geraghty, Malkin all brought together in one post. Well done, Sir.

Wrapping up, Stephen "VodkaPundit" Green puts Senator and Mrs. Obama's elitism up on a tee and whacks it good:

Not meaning to quote John Mellencougar, but I grew up in a small town, and I’ll tell you something else those folks don’t like, senator. They don’t like being told that they’re rubes by a city slicker, they don’t like being told that they’re racists because they think unlimited illegal immigration might not be the greatest idea, and they really don’t like being condescended to. They particularly won’t like being condescended to by a guy who hasn’t accomplished much more than graduating from law school and winning a few elections in which he effectively ran unopposed.

If there are any functioning adults among the Obamunists, they’re going to have to sit Senator and Mrs. Savior down real soon and tell them to knock this kind of elitist stuff off, or they’ll manage to whittle themselves down to the hard-core Democratic base vote and not too much else.

Bonus points to the VodkaPundit for coining the term "Obamunists". I totally "get" it, and can't wait to use it in conversation.

BTW; I've always referred to Melloncamp as "John Booger Menstrualcramp". But that's another story for another time....


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