08 September 2011

The Same Speech, Summarized

Jeff nails it.....

so anyway, The stuttering clusterfuck of miserable failure gave his so-called "jobs" speech this evening. I caught bits and pieces of the yammering on the radio on my way home. Yawn. It's the same speech he's been giving for three+ years. You'd think he could deliver it without a tele-prompter by now.

Finally settled down for the evening and had a chance to surf the inter-tube web-net thingies, and lo and behold, Jeff G. of ProteinWisdom fame comes up with the two on, two outs, bases clearing triple that puts the Rockies up by one:

Read the whole thing. The astute will note that Jeff posted his summation hours before The stuttering clusterfuck of miserable failure gave his campaign speech.

more soon




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