A Follow Up
".....Perhaps mankind really is supposed to be a slave, and that is how we are meant to live. Surely, if we cannot hold onto liberty once attained, then we it is merely the occasional backwards impulse only that obliges men to sometimes take up arms and struggle for freedom, only to have their children once again surrender it without a fight. Yes, maybe we are natural slaves, and it is high time for us to give up this charade of being made for freedom. But I shall not..........So, while words and ideas are most needed, I shall use them. I will not be disarmed, I will not be enslaved, and I wil not fall silent. If this means my ultimate destruction, then so fucking be it. I want no part in a world where freedom cannot exist. So, while the darkness encroaches, I say carry on. Should this gathering darkness drown us, then so be it. There are worse fates than to be relegated to the history books as a lost follower of a debunked myth where every man is his own master, and there is no other....."
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