16 October 2008

Friday 17OCT08

unexpected guest blogging.....

so anyway, what follows was sent to me by reader "SM" (which may or may not be his actual
initials), and I just had to play it forward. I do so wish I had written this.....

I've posted the thread intact, with only minor edits for spelling, as the stoopid SpellChecker sees
fit; and converting text to links.

"Please forward as appropriate" Indeed. If you want the source code e-mail so you can forward it on your own self, shoot me a line at "heywoodblogger at yahoo dot com" and I'll forward it on. After business hours, of course. I have to maintain "radio silence" whilst at the office. I've been "spoken to". It's a long story.
Subject: FW: Obama: What you need to know NOW...please forward as appropriate
To: heywoodblogger at yahoo dot com
Date: Thursday, October 16, 2008, 9:32 PM

Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2008 6:43 PM
Subject: FW: Obama: What you need to know NOW...please forward as appropriate

FYI on Obama (since many are ignoring these important items:

- Obama Voted To Raise Taxes On The 25, 28, 33 And 35 Percent Tax Brackets already, and now his plan is to tax more and more the people who provide jobs (have you even got a job from a poor person???): Obama to raise taxes on individuals - bring back the 1994 rate schedules. Highest marginal rate is 39.6% for all income over $250,000. (current system tops out at 35% for income over 357,000) Obama to raise taxes individual investment income - Long-term capital gains will be taxed at 28% (vs the current 15%). Dividends will get in bed with short term capital gains and interest--taxed at the marginal rate. (no more qualified dividends taxed at 15%). Obama to raise cap to infinity on payroll taxes - remove the cap on taxable social security wages. (In 2007 taxpayers only paid social security tax on the first $97,500 of wages, Obama will make this ceiling infinity). Obama to tax Corporations even more - make rates more competitive and redirect tax incentives to achieve economic and social policy objectives (will this make companies want to stay or relocate to America? or Ireland, where it is 12.5%, not 39% !!!.

- Obama will nationalize the health care system, which will ration care like in the UK and Canada (that's why they come here for care)...Why put the government in charge of healthcare, they run FEMA, the Veterans Administration, and the rest of government so well !

In short, VOTE against Obama (not that I like McCain that much, but he is much better policy-wise and ecomonics-wise, and even Sarah Palin has been a Chief Executive in the past! Obama has never run anything substantial, and was out to lunch as an

Illinois Senator see this link for his abysmal record of voting "present"...

Think about it....this is important!


Please forward as appropriate....more to come!


I don't know who "Andrew" is; but he's doing some good work here. Andrew qualifies for the highest honor that Supply Side Politics 2.o can bestow: not one, but two 40 oz. quarts of his favorite beer and all the White Castles he can eat.

thatisall. more soon


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