09 July 2005

Thursday Evening into Friday Night

pissed off, I am; and you're not going to talk me out of it

so anyway; I got myself worked up into a righteous snit over the SCOTUS situation and our President saying we should "tone down the rhetoric" over the recent open seat.


Mr. President: Sir, we did not re-elect you to preside over a "kinder... gentler" debate on issues such as this. No, Sir; we will push the rhetoric to an all time high, because who sits with the Surpremes is fcuking important.

But I digress.

My righteous snit returned to the Global War on Terrorism (GWOT) with this morning's news of the bombings in London. Our best wishes go out to those directly affected; and the British people as a whole.

But, of course, we're all directly affected by this attack. The London-ers (London-ites? London-ese?) took the brunt of the blow, but the entire Western world was attacked today.

The perps and their ilk are lucky that I'm not in charge (yet). Were I in charge, our stockpile of munitions would have been vastly depleted by sundown.


It's now late on Friday night, and I'm still in a funk. Not quite a "nuke them all" funk, although I could be provoked into that position.

It is just shameful the way people are trying to make political hay out of the London attack. I'm waiting for the moonbat caucus of kennedy / schumer / feinstein / boxer / reid / durban / et al to opine that the London attack is just a puddings' worth of proof that GWB should nominate Oprah for the SCOTUS seat (thankfully) vacated by Sandra Day O'Connor.


Makes me glad that I will not be watching any of the "scream and shout" shows on TV this weekend. Or any TV. TV makes you stupid.

(Relax. I'm not becoming a zealot about the "no TV" thing. I remain the master of my domain; I still haven't watched any TV enter-news-ment since Election night. BTW: We won! You Lost! Get Over It.)

The usual suspects all have things to say on the topics of the day (See also: Blogroll) Ann Coulter sums up O'Connor's lasting skid-mark on American jurisprudence; Stephen Green looks at the London attack and the GWOT; the Wackos are positively replete with linky goodness on a variety of topics. Cold Fury was on about something, but I don't remember what and I'm too tired to go see.

Late again. More soon.

Courage (Resolve)


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