OK, I've had about enough
and you have, too
First off, Stephen Green of VodkaPundit fame has some required reading that is, well, required. (Duh) Good stuff from someone you used to know.....
And lest I forget, Sailor has a good round-up of the breaking Able Danger story that you should read as well.
Via the Four Right Wing Wackos, Rodger Schultz spells it all out quite nicely, thank you very much (as always, read the comments) (Warning: 11 Sept 01 image included).
And Lileks screeded yesterday on the Sheehan issue. Which leads us in to where we're going.....
Let's get down to business, shall we?
I have had About.Enough. of Cindy f'n Sheehan and the MSM running this "alledged" story 24/7. This is a smoke screen, as are many of the other stories du juir (doG, how I hate using french phrases). Jerry Doyle is spot on with his "grapefruit" theory (I'll explain some other time, I'm too pissed off to go into it now.)
So anyway, driving home tonight, I happened upon National Peoples Radio as they were playing the just-released 911 tapes from That.Day. Crappy audio of two way radio conversations as all hell was breaking loose. For today, I shall skip commenting on the obvious glee in the voice of the NPR reporter-ette.
For a few moments, I re-lived the gut-feel of That.Day. and the days immediately thereafter. Thanks to NPR for harshing my Friday afternoon mellow. All the mental imagery, the heartache, the "WTF?", reflecting on how our lives have changed forever because of That.Day.
As it turns out, That.Day. could have been prevented with a few strategic arrests back in 1999. Go read any and all of the Able Danger stuff you can find: it's all over the blogosphere. You can't find it on any of the MSM outlets, though. They're too busy with Cindy f'n Sheehan and that missing girl in Aruba.
I have had quite enough. doc Russia is spot on: Nothing has changed.
Tune in tomorrow for the exciting conclusion. It's pushing 1:00 AM and I must go now.
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