I'm totally in the dark on this one.....and you are too
John Roberts? I think he was chosen to bump the AltaVista hit counter. Here's what I found out: he's a professor at Stanford, a blogger (with at least three blogs), a catholic priest, an authorized BMW dealer, an author, a photographer, and an English folk singer. I'll keep checking.
Already, three hours after the announcement, "prominent democrats" are prissing and preening over the nomination. Leahy going on about how ".....no one gets a free pass....." Wankers. GWB could have nominated the love child of Ghandi and Yoko Ono and the left would have been pissed off.
Screedblog is spot on as usual; no, not about SCOTUS, about other stuff. It's Lileks, go read.
All together now, sing along: Late, Tired, Gotta go to sleep
hillary wanted to be a Marine? My.Ass. Watch the blogosphere rip this one up by sunrise on Thursday.
And speaking of my hind-quarters: Paul Begala can kiss my ass. But you knew that.
Links later. I'm tired.
A friend was showing me a line-up up left wing arguments to berate Bush for pandering if he chose a Hispanic or woman judge. Now they are lining up to argue that he's insensitive to Sandra Day's legacy by not choosing a woman. The veil of partisanship is becoming more transparent each day.
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