19 July 2005

Pigs shall not sleep in beds

with sheets

(My apologies to Mr. Orwell for the bad paraphrase)

OK, sorry. I didn't finish my thoughts on NPR being liberally biased. Call your ISP for a refund. I'll follow up soon; I'm sure National Peoples Radio will piss me off again before sundown Tuesday.

Pigs shall not sleep in beds.....with sheets. You've read Animal Farm, you know what I'm talking about.
Ahem. (This is going to be a little harsh)
Two years ago, you said that any member of your Administration found to be responsible for the Plame non-leak would be summarily dismissed.
Today, you said that any member of your Administration found to have committed a crime would be fired.
Pigs shall not sleep in beds.....with sheets.
Those of us who re-elected you as our President, did so based, in part, on your personal integrity. This is starting to sound like the talk of ".....no controlling legal authority....." and the definition of the word "is"; talk that so infuriated those of us on the right side of the spectrum.
There is an appearance of impropriety. The conversation should end here. During your first days in office, you admonished your staff to uphold the highest standards of legal, ethical, and moral behavior. Uphold those standards. Eliminate the appearance of impropriety; disarm your critics with positive actions congruent with your stated positions and beliefs.
Clean your house, Sir.
Besides, Darth Rove can do more good for the VRWC on the outside. Wise he is, this Darth Rove. Strong within him the Force is.


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