Thank You
from the staff of Supply Side Politics
Sometime in the last 24 hours, our hit counter rolled over the 4500 hit mark. A sincere thank you to everyone who has been along for the ride.
"Our natural, inalienable rights are now considered to be a dispensation from government, and freedom has never been so fragile, so close to slipping from our grasp as it is at this moment." - Ronald W. Reagan
from the staff of Supply Side Politics
Sometime in the last 24 hours, our hit counter rolled over the 4500 hit mark. A sincere thank you to everyone who has been along for the ride.
that didn't take long
are in the details
because I'm sure you're curious
so anyway, whilst taking the garbage out to the curb in front of the fabulous Casa de Miguel compound this evening, my thoughts kept wandering towards fidel castro being dead.
It's funny how it happens like that, my thoughts are remarkably random, yet every time I take out the garbage I envision a dead communist dictator in a box being (literally) pissed on by the former proletariat. Much celebrating follows.
Funny how that works. But I digress.....
Personally, I think castro has been dead for two weeks now and raul is just crapping himself over how to break the news to the world.
Val Prieto is keeping a keen eye on the situation, and offers this primer on what we can expect once fidel is officially pronounced an ex-communist; once it is declared that he has ceased to be, he's joined the Choir Fantastic, he's pushin' up daisies, he's assumed room temperature, etc. You get the general drift.
In other news; I wonder how Lileks is going to square with Target doing this? See Pale. See also: Pale, Beyond The. I agree with Lileks' stance regarding Target on the (most annoying) Salvation Army bell-ringers from Christmas Past, but Target "Che" merchandise?
I still like Steve H Graham's "che-burger" idea. Che burger, Che burger. You know that you're old enough to remember the SNL skits, put two and two together and you've got funny.
See what I was telling you about random thoughts?
Tonight's link to Babalublog came courtesy of Cap't Jim at Smoke on the Water.
Since I've already violated both my "get enough sleep" and "don't drink to much" edicts this evening, I should probably sign off now. We'll have words soon
guess who's got tomorrow off?
so anyway, 'tis the season, and all that crap.
Mark Steyn is spot on, per his usual, in his recent National Review piece. “90% of the time he’s Tony Blair with a ranch” Indeed. Do go read.
Even though the dreaded alarm is set to 7:00 AM instead of the usual 5:00 AM, I really should pull the plug and go to bed. More soon.
so anyway, sometime this evening our hit counter surpassed the 4400 mark.
Thank you very much to those who have been following along. I really do appreciate it. Every hit that I can't attribute to me or my mom really warms my heart.
There's news out there, things to discuss. I just wish I had the time.
Late again. You know the drill.....